Street food is pretty big in Prague right now. There are even street food festivals where food trucks gather to make curious people happy with a colourful selection of foods from all around the world.

Food trucks are also a popular addition to street markets and other events, but you can find some conveniently placed around town, too. One is waiting for you at the hip Vnitroblock in Holešovice, previously an industrial part of town, now home to countless cafés, shops and restaurants.
An American experience
Technically, Booze & Food is not a food truck, but a food bus. An American school bus like the ones you see in the movies has been remodeled to cater for its owners’ needs. They serve burgers, omelettes (great for brunch!) and sandwiches. You might also see them elsewhere, as Vnitroblock might not be their only place, just look at their website to make sure. Try this bus out if you are into an uncomplicated but well-made food that will put a smile on your face.
Name: Booze & Food
Address: Tusarova 31, Praha 7

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