For people who love Asian food, Modrý Zub is a must. They are proudly serving authentic Thai food, but their menu shows they are also keen on Vietnamese cuisine, and even offer a (very tasty!) Laos option. What they do is really good and we have been fans of them since years – it is great that a place that was serving Asian dishes before they became omnipresent is still doing well.
There are several branches of this chain, and that is very good news for those amongst us who can never get enough of the tasty, fresh foods full of herbs and spices that make you go mmm.
Take it with you
More good news for you: There are not only several places where you can enjoy various Asian noodle and rice dishes, roast duck and other good things by the Modrý zub people. They also offer takeaway and you can have their dishes delivered, too. So next time you feel like enjoying some hot spicy goodness, maybe you just need to use your mobile to order it for your home, office or any other place where the thought has caught you.
Name: Modrý Zub
Address: Jindřišská 5, Praha 1
Spálená 29, Praha 1
Dlouhá 21, Praha 1
Stroupežnického 14, Praha 5
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