Meat Vandals: The Proper Meats

When something is called “Meat Vandals”, you expect a sort of no-nonsense approach and a clear concept. And that is exactly what this establishment does.

See you soon at the bistro

You might have seen them at the Manifesto Market, you might have eaten their homemade buns with pulled meat and / or pastrami at Kotva (the big department store), or you might have ordered their food as delivery. Bet you liked what they have to offer – they are really choosy and meticulous about their ingredients and how to prepare them. These people are passionate about offering good, healthy, proper food and they are preparing to open their own bistro at Myslíkova Street soon, so you will be seeing us there often.

Name: Meat Vandals

Address: Náměstí Republiky 8, Praha 1



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