Czechs know that the French cuisine is great, but for some reason, thera are not that many French restaurants in our city. Enter La Gare: the recently refurbished French restaurant/brasserie that has three zones with various moods and offers a fantastic assortment of dishes and foods, from breakfast to dinner.
The joie de vivre is real
The French term joie de vivre, joy of living, was coined a long time ago, and places such as La Gare show that this concept can manifest in these days as well. Here, you will find really joyful décor that sets the mood just right for you to enjoy their very well executed dishes. We keep coming back for their classic coq au vin, because some things should not be changed. Their fish soup is another staple that is just so perfect that we want it to stay on the menu forever. And their duck made according to a recipe from the 19th century (caneton a la rouennaise) is a league of its own. Visit this place at least once to know how great the French classics can be.
Name: La Gare
Address: V Celnici 3, Praha 1
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